Welcome to our Family

Welcome to our Family
Welcome to our Family -- Phillip, Cassie, Rebekka, Kennedy and Corbin

Friday, June 3, 2011


Corbin getting his hearing checked

Corbin doing the car seat challengeKennedy doing the car seat challenge

Of course our first challenge was to get Corbin's heart ticking correctly. The nurses said that it should correct itself which it did. It was so nice and relaxing to see Corbin join us in the room.

The next thing Phillip and I had to do was watch a car seat video and then the babies had to take a car seat challenge. Any baby weighing under 5 pounds had to do this. We had to be sure the babies were fed and then after an hour, they had to go to NICU to complete the "car seat challenge" they were each hooked up to monitors (heart rate, respirator, & oxygen) while straped in their car seat. They had to be monitored for an hour. With babies so small it is important that they don't strangle themselves on the way home from the hospital on the seatbelt since they can't hold their heads up. Both babies passed this test. If for any reason they didn't pass, then they can take it again the next day. They have to pass in the car seat or the hospital will tell you that you need a different type of car seat suitable for a baby less than 5 pounds.

The babies were tested for Jaundice which is very common in all babies. Corbin's was high with the forehead test. The blood test came back on Corbin and Kennedy as normal. Before we left the hospital on Saturday they did another Jaundice test on Corbin to see how he was doing. It came back slightly elevated. When we saw the pediatrition for the first time on Tuesday after being dismissed he said that Corbin looked fine. Only on his nose looked alittle yellow. His body had no yellow on him. We have been taking the babies outside for at least 10 minutes everyday to help with Jaundice since that is the only thing that can help it get better.

The babies had to pass a hearing test. Corbin and Kennedy passed on the third try. It is common for premature babies to have fluid in their ears due to the c section. To get the fluid out the babies homework was to sneeze it out.

The babies weights were decreasing. We hoped and prayed Friday night when they weighed the babies their weights maintained and not decreased. Otherwise we might not have gotten to bring the babies home on Saturday. My doctor said that we can stay one more night if needed since I had twins. Saturday when the pedi came to check the babies they said we were good to go home. Phillip and I were so excited that all of our challenges were complete and the babies passed.

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