Welcome to our Family

Welcome to our Family
Welcome to our Family -- Phillip, Cassie, Rebekka, Kennedy and Corbin

Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 7-13

June 12, 2011

June 11, 2011

June 10, 2011

June 9, 2011

June 7, 2011

The babies are trying to pick their heads up even more. They are growing and getting stronger day by day. We think that Kennedy is gaining about an ounce a day and Corbin is gaining about 1/2 an ounce a day. They are now on a 3 hour feeding schedule day and night. We try to stretch it to 4 hours at night but Corbin wants his milk every 3 hours.

They are becoming alittle more gasey and it sounds like Kennedy has mini explosions in her diaper...but when you change it sometimes there's alot and sometimes there's only alittle bit. Kennedy drinks super fast while Corbin takes his sweet time. We have learned that Kennedy does not like her diaper to be wet or dirty or she will throw a fit like it's the end of the world. Corbin is laid back and whenever you get to change him he's fine with it. Corbin has had more baths than his sister because of being wet when he wakes up. I'll just say we are still learning about how little boy's and diapers work.

On Tuesday, June 7th the babies cords fell off.

On Wednesday, June 8th I got the portraits in the mail that the babies took at the hospital. They turned out sooo good. I did have to call them because the birth announcements were incorrect. They had Corbin's information under his sister's name and vise versa. They said they will put a rush on getting that done for me.

On Friday, June 10th we did family pictures. I set up the area and my mom took the pictures. She did a good job. Rebekka was cranky so we didn't get good smiles. She soooo didn't want to wear a dress, she wanted to wear pants and a shirt but that is not what I bought her to wear.

Sunday, June 12 -- Corbin was on the couch and was positioned on his back. He rolled to his side. I didn't see it happen buy Nonna did. We will see if he does it again. Kennedy and Corbin are both lifting up their head's so well. On June 15th is there actual due date. That is when we can compare them with newborn babies and when they do things such as roll over. Kennedy is now 5 pounds 12 ounces. We gave her a bath this morning and she loves bath time. After that I just held her and we "talked" together. Ok...I talked, she listened. I think she can see my face now.

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